Volunteer Editors Wanted

We are currently seeking a Book Editor; Culture Editor; New Authors Outreach Editor who discovers and recruits the best new young writers and thinkers to write for Tikkun; and Religion Editors for Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Volunteer section editors are expected to work from home.

We do not have money to pay for any of these positions. They are intended for those who:

  • understand and are excited about the worldview of Tikkun magazine and the Network of Spiritual Progressives and who wish to advance that worldview
  • are intellectually sophisticated and have already achieved a level of success in their own field of cultural creativity or academic work or writing.
  • already understand that holding any of these editorial positions will be a rewarding addition to their lives, potentially lifting their own prominence within their own intellectual or cultural community, and giving them an opportunity to advance the careers of others whose writing s/he may choose to use in Tikkun.

Now that Tikkun is primarily an online magazine, we can promote many more writers and thinkers and creative artists, and the editors in each of these areas will have considerable latitude to do so. So each editor may use Tikkun to advance views and thinkers and writers who may through this job become well known.

Unfortunately, we do not have any money to pay writers or creative artists, and the job has the downside of having to say “no” to people whom you might like personally or who even might be great writers or thinkers in other contexts but whose specific submissions to Tikkun are not of the quality and creativity that Tikkun seeks.

Be sure to read our Core Vision and read some of the articles on our website from the latest issue of Tikkun. Don’t just send a resume and think we are going to respond — we need to know who you are, your thinking, and why you’d be good at this job. Tell us which specific position you are applying for, your vision of what we should be printing in that regard, a sample of your own writing, and a sample of a review or article from someone else that you think should be in Tikkun, plus your reasoning about why it should be published in Tikkun.

You can mail your application to Tikkun, 2342 Shattuck Ave, #1200, Berkeley, Calif. 94704 or email it to RabbiLerner@Tikkun.org (the very first time you send him an email, you’ll receive a message from his spam filter and will have to prove you’re a human being rather than a spam machine before your message reaches him).

Return to the full list of jobs and internships to keep learning about other opportunities at Tikkun.


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