A Future in Prison

For someone like me, very nearly saturated in “white privilege,” my experience will likely depend on attitude. But, for many of the people I’ll meet in prison, an initial arrest very likely began with armed police surrounding and bursting into their home to remove them from children and families. This unsettling experience is shared by innocent citizens in both the Middle East and the United States.

Are We Still Marching With King?

Every year, on this state-sanctioned day of reflection, we memorialize the Martin Luther King who was a peacemaker, a conciliator, a lover and not a hater. In reality, however, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was the master of the thunderous cadences of righteous rage.


In response to world leaders marching in solidarity with victims of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, many are calling out the hypocrisy of these leaders’ support of freedom of expression that contradicts their own policies towards journalists in their countries.