The Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

As long as corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize the investments of their stockholders, they have no choice but to make profits their “bottom line.” But we are promoting a New Bottom Line, so that every corporation, government policy, our legal system, health care system, educational system, and every other major system is judged efficient, rational and productive to the extent that they maximize love and caring, environmental sustainability and responsibility, ethical behavior and generosity, and our capacities to respond to the Earth with radical amazement, of which we are an important part.

Earth Day 2015

When we celebrate Earth Day, we are giving thanks for the wondrous gift of life on Earth and are recognizing the paramount importance of protecting the Earth’s fragile life support system. This is a responsibility we can all share and when we embrace this humbling and unifying perspective our lives take on new meaning.

Voting in the WZO Election Does Matter

Voting in the WZO election DOES matter. Please join us and our partners telling the world that the Hatikvah Slate is the opposition to the status quo. Though you can’t change the results of the last election, you can still have a say over what happens in Israel.

On the way to Sinai (on racism and economic justice)

Sinai was a revelation of nonviolence and justice. A vision of a world in which God’s love of every individual was a proof that every single person was and is equally worthy and loved by God. We must recognize the commonalities of social justice movements across faiths and cultures because unity and empathy are the only ways we will make it to the Mountain.

The Spirit of the Torah Land Law Renewed

Today most of the population gets its living from land value. What I mean is that most of the population lives in cities where land values soak up a big part of earned income. That’s why a modern day version of the Jubilee land law must address land value justice rather than simply endorse redistribution.

Ethelbert Miller: A Sustaining Presence is Forced Out and Everyone Loses

On 3 April, Howard University laid off eighty-four staff members, including E. Ethelbert Miller, a Howard alum and director of the university’s African American Resource Center. Though it doesn’t make the largest financial impact, cutting staff at the reeling university leaves the largest public impression that the institution is getting serious about costs, doing the hard thing for the greater good.

The Radical Empathy of a Chestnut Tree

The chestnut tree possesses a sense of empathy and a moral conscience, observing Anne writing in her diary and remarking: “She wrote that as long as she could see blue sky and clouds and me, she could be happy. Her words made me happy too.” This connection is generative: “Being a tree doesn’t stop you from feeling what people feel. And when someone loves you, you know it and it helps you grow.”