Hey, It's Not A Meritocracy!

“So what do the rich do every day that the poor don’t do?” I read this in an article posted to a Facebook business group. I was deeply disturbed by this article because it failed to mention the socially constructed systems that perpetuate economic inequality. I didn’t want to rock the boat in this business group because it’s part of my professional network. But a louder voice spoke (before I could even reel her in!), reminding me of my morning prayer.

Congressional Staffer: This Is How AIPAC Will Win Syria Vote

The media today is full of stories about AIPAC and its decision to push for a “yes” vote on Syria to ensure that President Obama initiates the war it really wants, with Iran. Check out this Washington Post story. There is simply no way AIPAC and its camp followers would do this for Syria. Israel has no problem with the Assad regime. The reason Israel (and its lobby) are going all out to push the United States to attack Syria is as a precedent for a much larger attack on Iran.

Cut Off from Nature: Air-Conditioned Synagogues on Rosh Hashanah

Jewish law requires that all synagogues have windows. We’re not supposed to pray in separation from the world; we’re supposed to pray with the world, conscious of its cycles, in a space that invites connection with them. Unfortunately, most authorities interpret this rule as permitting synagogues to have windows that never open.

Peter Beinart's Latest Brilliant Expose' of the Pro-Israel Community's Ignorance & Bigotry

Check out Peter Beinart’s latest piece on the American Jewish community. It is brilliant. It is about the cocoon American Jews live in when it comes to the reality of Israel and Palestine.  They know nothing and care less. And their leaders who do know intentionally work to keep them ignorant. Add to that a lot of bigotry and you have the self-described “pro-Israel” community today.

50 Years After the March on Washington: Reflections on Racism

It is the mark of a dysfunctional family to insist on secrecy, hide truths, not be willing to discuss problems openly. When it comes to race, the U.S. is a dysfunctional family. We know racism persists, but we won’t speak about it openly, fund organizations to tackle it, or allow our president to refer to it.

Obama: I Need Congressional Authorization On Syria Now To Get Iran War Later

The New York Times has a pretty shocking revelation on page one today. White House correspondent Mark Landler reveals (after interviewing unnamed senior Obama aides) that the “most compelling ” reason the President is seeking Congressional authorization to strike Iran may be this:

…acting alone would undercut him if in the next three years he needed Congressional authority for his next military confrontation in the Middle East, perhaps with Iran. If he made the decision to strike Syria without Congress now, he said, would he get Congress when he really needed it? In other words, attacking Syria now makes it possible to attack Iran later. On the one hand, revealing this motivation will be a political plus with Congress which, following the lead of neocons and the Israel lobby, repeatedly and loudly declares that bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities is an option that must not be ruled out.

Obama’s Speech at the March on Washington: Strong on Jobs, Weak on Racial Justice

Obama is spot on in saying that “the presence of economic opportunity” is central to the pursuit of social justice. In focusing so much on the economy, however, Obama neglected to substantially take on some of the most acute ongoing manifestations of racism today, such as stop and frisk, mass incarceration, or the racism behind the killing of unarmed black men like Trayvon Martin.