Uncovering the Tea Party's Radical Roots

The far-right often calls upon historical figures to support their desire for less government, but there may be some common misconceptions. For instance, the founding republicans believed we could live with less government because we are born with an innate sense of benevolence and sympathy toward all other people. The Tea Party, however, claims their “sacred right to be left alone.”

A Teacher's Rant: Why Flipping Classrooms is 'Flipping Ridiculous'

“Flipped” Classrooms have students watching their teacher’s lectures at home and completing their homework at school. This may bring about a greater level of hands-on participation in the classroom, but what about those who get left behind? Not everyone has a supportive home atmosphere with the resources and ability to thrive in this new, technology-heavy platform.

My Life with a Pink Water Bottle

If a thing as simple as color reinforces the pressure males are under to be dominant, aggressive and tough, one can imagine how deeply rooted stereotypes can have strong, tragic effects. David Harris-Gershon details his experience using his wife’s pink water bottle, and the insults and interrogations he faces highlight important implications of gender norms in today’s society.

Locked Up in America: Visualizing Mass Incarceration in the United States

With so many behind bars for drug charges at a time when the legalization of marijuana spreads across the country, Americans are paying more attention to the question, “Why do we have so many prisoners?” With 25 percent of the world’s prisoners being Americans in U.S. prisons, this question deserves the attention. John Kelle has created an infographic that explores and contextualizes the ins and outs of mass incarceration in the United States.

Gravity, Government Dysfunction, and Spiritual Laws

When I saw the movie Gravity in 3-D, there was a moment when a tear shed by the main character – Ryan Stone played by Sandra Bullock – appears to float off the screen and into the audience. The tear contains her image. Suppose we live in a world that exits inside the 3-D contours of a universal tear. Tears of sorrow, tears of joy, and praying tears are the stuff of our human connection to each other. The movie is about survival through the seen and unseen cords that keep us from drifting into physical and spiritual oblivion.

United States to Germany: Why My Family Moved

Donna Swarthout decided to take advantage of the German law that allows families persecuted by the Nazis to have their citizenship restored. In the wake of the government shutdown she feels that she has made the right choice, and finds relief in the German healthcare, educational, transportation, and political systems.

Were the Shutdown Republicans Prophetic (After a Fashion)?

During the 16-day government shutdown, Tea Party Republicans rose above, or somewhere beyond, earthly politics. Their aim was to stay true to their principles, to be faithful, not necessarily effective. At their meeting behind closed doors on Tuesday, House Republicans began not by calling themselves to order, but by singing all three verses of “Amazing Grace.” In other words, the shutdown Republicans were prophetic in their own way. By this, I don’t mean they accurately predicted a future state of being.