Jews Show Solidarity with Immigrants in the Fight for Immigration Reform

Amy B. Dean explores the issue of Jewish support for immigration reform with a new angle: Rather than simply following the teaching to welcome the stranger, or out of a sense of obligation to the legacy of American immigration policy that welcomed Jews in past centuries, some Jewish activists are organizing for immigration reform with the idea that their fate is bound up with the fate of new immigrants–in other words, out of a sense of solidarity.

Micah Meets Mark Braverman

An interview brought to you by Micah’s Paradigm Shift of Mark Braverman. Braverman, who has deep family roots in Israel, has developed what he describes as a ‘calling’ to speak to the Church in a spirit of Christian teaching that sees Jesus as a radical Jew rebelling against the Jewish establishment and the Roman occupation of first century Palestine.

Israel Furious with White House for Leaking Syria Strike, Calling it "Scandalous" Behavior for an Ally

Israeli officials are apoplectic after the Obama administration confirmed that the IDF struck a Syrian military base this week. Israel, which had refused to comment on the strike, is fuming behind the scenes and accusing the U.S. – which gives Israel $3 billion in funding annually – of not behaving like a proper ally:
Israel’s Channel 10 TV on Friday night quoted Israeli officials branding the American leak as “scandalous.” For Israel’s ally to be acting in this way was “unthinkable,” the officials were quoted as saying. This ‘leaked’ anger from officials within Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s government is quite rich. After all, the Netanyahu government – which receives more U.S. aid than any other government in the world – routinely embarrasses the United States, despite all the financial and military support it receives from their American allies.

Reclaiming Entrepreneurship on the Path to Economic Justice

“Profit is always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin.” American capitalism may not be in crisis, but capitalism can only breed crisis as long as the financial wealth it creates is owned by fewer and fewer capitalists. With the current income gap, predatory nature of our economy, and misunderstanding of ‘entrepreneurship’, there is a great need to spread community wealth and not allow social values to erode under financial value.

How to Celebrate Religious Freedom Day

Amidst news of violence, kidnappings, imprisonments and much more, the world quietly celebrated International Religious Freedom Day on October 27. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry released a statement to mark this important ideal of the American consciousness with words that sounded well-intentioned and carefully thought out. While his statement was well-meaning, only time will tell whether the Obama administration is indeed committed to religious liberty in the international arena.

The End of the GOP Walking Dead or Confessions of a European-American Bokor (a short story)

It started out as an ordinary day. Get up, meditate, listen to Huggy Lowdown on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, do yoga, work on my next book, stop to watch General Hospital and have an early afternoon meal, back to work, 30-minutes on the stationary bike then dinner, evening TV and bed. But, this day a package came that transformed my ordinary day into an extremely extraordinary one. A white ready post utility mailer waited for me along with some sale papers and bills in the mail. There was no return address.

Upcycling Creativity

Why can’t we upcycle our abundant creativity, so that all our efforts to dream and enact a more vibrant, loving, and just future feed into new and better ways of doing it, rather than counting them as failures and dumping them into history’s landfill?

How I Inspired the NY Post to Embrace Israel's Destruction

Ahead of my book event tonight at Brooklyn’s Congregation Beth Elohim, the New York Post named my book – What Do You Buy the Children of the Terrorist Who Tried To Kill Your Wife? – as a “Must-Read.” The book in question chronicles my reconciliation with the Palestinian family of the bomber who perpetrated the 2002 Hebrew University attack – an attack which injured my wife and killed the two friends with whom she was sitting. Clearly, my book is a work aimed at promoting the destruction of Israel. Clearly, it’s an anti-Semitic manifesto with one goal: the downfall of the Jewish state.