Struggle for Racial Justice is Local

Mass incarceration is a domestic crisis that touches every community in America. Because it does, the struggle against this racial justice must begin in local communities.

Here We Go Again: Cultural Equity in San Francisco

Art grants have been poorly distributed. Now, advocates for cultural equity have urged the city’s Board of Supervisors to add a million dollars to the Arts Commission’s Cultural Equity Grants funding pool, created to channel support to the same communities repeatedly short-shrifted by Grants for the Arts.

The Republican Party Can Learn from al-Maliki’s Mistakes

If the Republican Party does not provide leadership and vision to attract an increasingly diverse electorate, and join in legislative coalitions, it will ultimately go the way of the dinosaurs, and al-Maliki’s Prime Ministry, who’s nearly exclusive Shiite-dominated administration created ever-increasing insurgency among the Sunni Muslim and Kurdish minorities.

Israeli Rabbi Evokes Hiroshima to Justify Collective Punishment of Palestinians

The fate of three Israeli teenagers, kidnapped last week by an unconfirmed entity in the West Bank, remains unknown, a deeply concerning truth that has refocused attention on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. However, while their fate remains unknown, what is known is the fate of those Palestinians who have been killed, detained and shuttered with the Israeli military’s search for the missing teens transitioning into a collective punishment of an entire people.

I Now Pronounce You… Much More Inclusive! PCUSA and Marriage Equality

In light of the recent vote in the Presbyterian Church, which will allow Presbyterian ministers to officiate same-gender marriage, Craig Wiesner writes a reflection on the last decade and the evolution of the Church’s stance on the matter, citing as an example, his own marriage and the many trials, as well as triumphs, he and his spouse experienced as advocates of reform.

Go Come Back: Culture Is A Bridge and a Fortress

People turn to culture as a means of self-definition and mobilization and assert their local cultural values, and as the digital age demonstrates a zillion times a second, there are no longer cultural boundaries that cannot be crossed; the choice is to risk sharing what you love or risk seeing it shared despite your refusal.

At the World Cup of Debt, the World Lost

For Argentina, so far so good at the World Cup in Brazil. At the Supreme Court in Washington, however, Argentina suffered a catastrophic defeat that no soccer metaphor can accurately capture.