The Deportation Strategy

President Obama’s decision to wait until after the November elections to take executive action on immigration reinforces the status quo in Washington politics that undocumented immigrants are expendable.

Sudden Calls for 'Civility' Threaten Academic Freedom After Palestinian-American Professor Fired

The University of Illinois recently fired Steven Salaita for his severe critiques of Israel on Twitter. After his firing the administration released a statement on how they value civility, which triggered university presidents across the country to echo similar statements on civility in relation to free speech. David Harris-Gershon reflects on whether academic institutions are rapidly suppressing the principle of academic freedom.

Beale Charges Dropped

Non-violent demonstrations in Beale, California, the home of the Global Hawk Drone, a surveillance drone that identifies targets for armed Predator and Reaper drones, will continue. History has shown that sustained nonviolent resistance is an effective means of social transformation.

Outrageous: NY Democrats Convene Press Conference to Bash Zephyr Teachout on Israel

During a press conference for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, democratic officials slam his opponent, Zephyr Teachout for her views on Israel. Her reluctance to speak openly about the conflict caused the New York democrats to paint her as anti-Semitic — demonstrating how in American politics, if you’re not pro-Israel, you are branded as a potential enemy.

Behaving Like Jews

Have major American Jewish institutions been distracted, or worse, has their commitment to social justice in America been adversely affected by their focus on Israel?

What to Do About ISIS

To know what is to be done about ISIS, we must start by recognizing where they came from and what role the US played in their origins. Then we must proceed in a much different manner.

Empathy Workshops in Oregon

This weekend Rabbi Michael Lerner will be the keynote speaker for the Awards Dinner at the Peace House in Ashland, Oregon. Michael and Cat Zavis, executive director of NSP, will then co-lead two separate workshops on empathy.

6 Reasons that Debunk the Myth of Islam Promoting Hatred of Jews and Christians

Some Muslims use the Quran verse, “O You who have believed! Do not take the Jews and Christians as your allies (Auliya). They are allies of one another. He among you who takes them for allies is one of them. God does not guide the oppressive folks” as a way to justify hatred towards Jews. Ro Waseem uses his knowledge of the Quran to dismantle this myth.

Militant Resistance Can Look Like This

In Downtown Oakland on August 31, a group of Buddhists and interfaith allies sat in meditation, blocking the doors of the Marriott Hotel. The group was protesting the hotel hosting Urban Shield this week, a militarized police expo and SWAT Team training. Nichola Torbett shares her friend’s reflection of the demonstration.