Hindu Responses to the Confederate Flag Incident at Bryn Mawr College

For groups such as Hindu Americans, the racial connotations might not seem tangible, but religious discrimination is a very real problem and is linked with racial othering. Often times, Hindu American students have faced challenges in making those connections and building coalitions to fight intolerance.

My Response to President Obama's Rosh Hashanah Greeting

Obama’s greeting is appreciated as a nice gesture, as are his general wishes for reflection, which are wholly appropriate for the holiday. The problem is this: if there is one people President Obama, together with the larger American Jewish community, need to collectively extend an apology toward this holiday season, it is Palestinians. Unfortunately, Obama’s remarks, rather than offer such an expression, are actually an extension of our continued wronging of Palestinians, a wronging for which our government should apologize.

The Climate March Was Great. Now What?

Hundreds of thousands of us marched against climate change Sunday to emphasize to the political leaders of the world assembling at the UN in the next few days that this is an issue of intense concern for the people of the world. We demand action, not just pious statements of concern!

Environmental Justice and the “Science” of Denial

The White House released its National Climate Assessment which indeed reports that our climate is changing because of human activity. The Republican Party continues to refute this fact with biblical claims. But how many more extreme natural disasters will it take for the Republican party put the health of the planet, and by extension the health of all Earth’s inhabitants, on the front burner, if you will, of policy priorities over the unquenchable lust for profits by corporate executives?

Do We Have the Wisdom to Survive?

The largest climate march in history was held Sunday, September 21 in New York. Sharon Delgado reminds us why it is still our time to take a stand against climate change as she discusses the new documentary that connects capitalism and community to the climate crisis. Delgado asks, “Do we have the wisdom to survive? The answer is related to community. We are connected by our shared grief at what is happening to the earth and by our shared hope and commitment to the future.”

Why Noah's Ark?

Noah’s ark will be featured as a float in the upcoming People’s Climate March in New York City on September 21. Donna Schaper explains why the ark is a symbol for hope in the fight against climate change.

Seth Rogen, Sarah Silverman Among 300 Hollywood Stars Likely Duped into Supporting Right-Wing Group

On Sunday, The New York Times featured a full page advertisement on page A7 sponsored by the group Creative Community for Peace (CCFP). The advertisement, which at first glance appears to be a benign call for peace in Israel and a denouncement of terror, was signed by the likes of Seth Rogen, Sarah Silverman, Aaron Sorkin, and hundreds of other entertainment stars. A closer look at the ad reveals its less-than-benign intentions, and a closer look at the group behind the ad, CCFP, reveals that it is actually a front organization for the extremist pro-settler, pro-occupation organization StandWithUs, which is dedicated to laundering Israel’s image and shielding it from critique while demonizing Palestinians. (For the purposes of transparency, StandWithUs tried to have one of my book appearances cancelled this year.)
Those who signed the letter, to be examined shortly, were almost certainly unaware of CCFP’s affiliation with a pro-occupation organization, particularly since it’s careful to hide that affiliation. Indeed, CCFP has attempted to claim that it is a wholly independent group, though the Forward found the opposite to be the case:
Formed in 2011, CCFP partnered with StandWithUs, a group widely perceived as being on the far right of the pro-Israel spectrum, which accepts tax deductible donations on CCFP’s behalf.