Tikkun Fall Fundraising Drive: Here's Our Challenge

Make a commitment to Tikkun Daily today! We are launching a donation drive to support the future of this collaborative, multimedia, interfaith project. Tens of thousands of readers show up every month to drink in our spiritual progressive perspective on politics, art, religion, and activism. The sustainability of this project is within reach – to move in that direction we need just 500 people to pledge a $10 donation to reach our minimum goal of $5,000 this season. If you can afford more, we will reach our goal that much faster.

New Developments in the Catholic Church's Stance on Homosexuality

As strongly as I disagree with conservative Catholics on the subject of homosexuality, I empathize with the burgeoning frustration that many of them are feeling and expressing in response to the document issued this week by the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family: The document is a tour de force of clerical manipulation, brimming with pretensions of compassion.

The Ambassador and the Uzi

When our guests finally arrived with their hugs of sympathy, it wasn’t the handsome hardline diplomat who stole the show. It was his gangly son who stepped inside the apartment with an Uzi slung over his shoulder.

The Power of Testimony: One Woman’s Voice

Widespread violence against women is not new within our culture. We regularly hear reports of rape and abuse. These are troubling and uncomfortable topics to discuss, but in order to effect change we must speak — bringing voices and faces to this issue.

Ferguson: Generations and Expectations

This past weekend, activists streamed into Ferguson, Missouri, for Ferguson October, a “weekend of resistance” comprising actions and events “to build momentum for a nationwide movement against police violence.”

The Fight for Clean Potable Water in Detroit

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes recently refused to prevent city officials in Detroit from shutting off water to customers who cannot afford the high costs, declaring that people do not have the fundamental right to water. Warren Blumenfeld offers his commentary on that decision, describing why this is unfair, unjust, and unnecessary.