Ebolaphobia and the Contagion of Fear

Two brothers, Pape and Amidou, were recently attacked and bashed by a mob of their classmates on the playground of their Bronx, New York Intermediate School 318. Throughout the violent attack, classmates taunted the brothers with chants of “You’re Ebola!” The boys, who were born in the U.S. but whose family is Sengalese American, were rushed to a local hospital with severe injuries. The incident reveals the danger of the toxic intersection of Ebola panic and racism.

How Your Donations Will Change the World

The Tikkun Daily Winter Fundraising Drive is in full swing- and we would like to extend a huge thank you to those who have begun to help us reach our goal. We’ve raised 20% of our goal in the first week of our campaign and we couldn’t have done it without your help. If you still have yet to donate, please join in!

America's New Spiritual Pioneers

America’s New Spiritual Pioneers is an article featured on Tikkun’s main website, but because of it’s quality and importance we wanted to bring it to our Tikkun Daily readers as well. Read our snippet of this unfolding political story about emotions lost and found and follow the links to get the whole thing.

I need your help and I need it now.

We at Tikkun have some very important ideas about how to change the dominance of the militarists, the cheerleaders for the 1%, and the voices of cynicism and despair! I’m very proud to tell you that four weeks ago Tikkun magazine received the “Magazine of the Year Award” from the Religion Newswriters Association, reminding the public at large of the high quality of our magazine. And I’m proud that we were among the cosponsors of the Great Climate March in New York City. A Tikkun and Network of Spiritual Progressives contingent marched in it, and I loved being there with 400,000 demonstrators– so many caring and joyous people!