Hour for Our Campaign

As you know, the fundraising drive is heating up and we are getting closer to our $5,000 goal. The “Hour for Our Campaign” asks that you donate the equivalent of what you earn or charge an hour per month to the NSP as a bold statement that you want to build OUR world—a world based on a New Bottom Line.

Economics According to the New Testament

Growing up guest blogger Kevin Daugherty always thought Christianity and capitalism fit together. Yet with the help of the New Testament, Daugherty discovers the real truth to Jesus’ message on wealth.

Empathy in the Holy Land

I am writing after seeing a series of letters from fellow practicing physicians justifying acts of brutality during the most recent conflict in Gaza. What concerns me more than any particular political position is finding empathy in such short supply among those within the healing professions.

Post-Election Letter to A Friend

Members of Congress didn’t wake up one day and say, “I think it’s about time to extend voting rights to women.” We the people did that, and when enough of us made our voices heard, laws changed.

In Remembrance of Matthew Shepard

In memory of Matthew Shepard, Blogger Warren Blumenfeld explains the many forms of queer bashing in our society, but triggers hope with the message that LGBT people and heterosexual allies are rising up in even greater numbers to push back against the status quo.

The Executioner's Nightmare

His mind asked another question: “Why does the All Powerful Creator of All there is need you to do harm to human beings? Is not Allah powerful enough to punish wrong and to distribute mercy according to Allah’s own perfect will?”

ISIS Halloween Costumes: Bad Taste or Psychologically Cathartic?

Tonight, when Americans open their doors at the sound of “Trick or Treat!” they may be in for a big surprise: a little boy dressed up in a jihadi fighter costume! That’s right, while our planes drop bombs on the real bad guys, our neighborhood children may be dressing up like them. I know that many, Muslim or not, are offended, but I see this Halloween as especially important from a sociological perspective.