A Last Word for 2014

As 2014 draws to a close, I’m happy to offer some upbeat news about developments in the Network of Spiritual Progressives, the activist and supporter network associated with Tikkun and Tikkun Daily.

Releasing “The Interview” on Christmas: What Would Jesus Say?

Judging from the enthusiastic response on social media, Sony’s decision to release the movie “The Interview” on Christmas day seems to be a victory for the American way of life, but there is a tragic irony in the very truth of that view. For the “way of life” thus vindicated is addicted to a view of freedom as the right to say and do anything one wants, indifferent to the substance of what is actually being said in freedom’s name.

Santa's Tears

I weep because tears is another way to pray. I weep because at the end of the day, at the end of this blessed holy season, people have to understand that they themselves are the hands and feet of God.

Drones and Discrimination: Kick the Habit

On December 10, International Human Rights Day, federal Magistrate Matt Whitworth sentenced me to three months in prison for having crossed the line at a military base that wages drone warfare. The punishment for our attempt to speak on behalf of trapped and desperate people, abroad, will be an opportunity to speak with people trapped by prisons and impoverishment here in the U.S.

Churches of America Stand Up

There’s a new threat on the climate change front, and it’s a big one. The recent midterm elections not only put Republicans in charge of the Congress, but the party of science deniers made dramatic gains at the state and local levels. This impressive victory was made possible by huge infusions of cash from oil, coal, and natural gas interests.

Tikkun Gift Package!

We’re coming up on the end of the year, which means we’re also in the final stretch of our fundraising drive. A huge thank you to all of those who have helped our cause along the way! We’ve got one final offer for you, a gift we’d like to extend to anyone able to help us reach our goal before the new year. If you donate at least $100 you will receive the following gifts from Tikkun:

-a year’s subscription to Tikkun
-the new Radical Amazement album
-a copy of Rabbi Michael Lerner’s Embracing Israel/Palestine
-and a Tikkun magnet! If we had twelve people commit the minimum donation to this week’s deal, we would automatically reach our goal!