A Call for A Politics of Love

Dear President Obama and Democratic Members of Congress,
I invite you to embrace the radical notion that there are fundamental truths and values that the vast majority of US citizens believe in and support. They have chosen you to be the messenger and implementer of those ideas in the form of legislation and actions on a federal level. Now is the time for you to step out of a politics based on fear and limiting beliefs and into the very real possibility and actuality that when you choose to stand in a politics of love, your actions will be celebrated. This is what a politics of love looks like:
1. Genuine care for the well-being of all, both in the US and abroad.

Reclaiming Our Democracy

A first step in challenging all of this craziness is to retake our democracy, and I like the NSP’s approach–a constitutional amendment, the ESRA, which requires public funding of all elections and bans all private donations from individuals or corporations, thus eliminating money as a factor in the outcome.