In the midst of holiday season and our Winter Fundraising Drive, we’ve asked some of our bloggers to reflect on their experiences with Tikkun Daily and express what our survival means to them. Tikkun Daily is subsidized by Tikkun Magazine and the Network of Spiritual Progressives, and for it to continue, we need to ask Tikkun Daily readers to make a significant contribution.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to those who have begun to help us reach our goal. It has only been one week and we are almost halfway there. Remember, we are trying to reach $2,000 by year end, which is only 200 people donating $10 each. You can help us be part of the change!
Click here to donate (donations are tax-deductible since we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit).
Please read the following testimonials from two of our dedicated bloggers:
Michael Hulshof-Schmidt
When I think of belonging to a community or a tribe, I am especially grateful for one in particular- the virtual community of Tikkun Daily. I believe that if we are serious about eradicating racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, misogyny, and poverty, we must all be engaged – we must all stand in solidarity with one another.
How lovely that we don’t have to do such work in isolation, but instead find ourselves more and more engaged with the world. I extend an invitation for you to challenge anyone who shows a lack of generosity and heart with kindness and with love. There may not be a point of completion, but it is in community that we make progress. If you enjoy Tikkun Daily, I hope you will help support this community dedicated to the very values of generosity, love, and social justice.
As the end of this calendar year draws near, I suspect many of us are in an introspective mood. Many of us are reflecting back on the losses of family and friends and social justice pioneers. I know I am constantly looking at what my legacy for humanity will be. Let us hope that we are each carving out a legacy that creates equity and celebrates our shared humanity. Here is a community where we can be our authentic and vulnerable selves.
Tikkun Daily deserves support because the sad fact is that there are very few major venues that will accept articles that tell the truth about events relating to Israel & Palestine. I know, from personal experience, that speaking out for peace, for two states for two peoples based on the ’67 lines, and for peace with Iran is risky business. I’ve taken that risk and I’m proud I have. But writers like me can’t get our words out if we have no publisher willing to print them. Fortunately we have Rabbi Michael Lerner and Tikkun, fighting for peace and justice for decades and allowing people like me the space to do so. Tikkun is irreplaceable, and it is also unique. It deserves the support of all people who want to create that “newer world” that we all pray for.
You may click here to donate , or feel free to send a check to:
Tikkun, 2342 Shattuck Ave. #1200, Berkeley, CA 94704
Or donate by phone:
If you are unemployed right now, please save your money and instead help spread the word that we exist. We’d be so grateful if you would urge your friends, coworkers, and family to sign up for the free Tikkun Daily email digest.
Thank you all and happy holidays!
Thank you very much for your heartfelt testimony on the value of Tikkun Daily.
From personal experience, I have some reservations about my relationship with Tikkun Daily as I have found my last few postings of comments and questions here have been censored without explanation. In addition, I have found that some of my postings of Tikkun Daily articles on my Facebook Wall were inexplicably removed.
Has the age of internet censorship arrived bigtime?
With all best wishes for the season…