Homelessness & Sukkot – Urgent Message

[Editor’s Note: The Holiday of Sukkot is observed by spending part or all day and night in a temporary shelter. So it seemed appropriate to share with you a talk given at Beyt Tikkun High Holiday services by Talya Husbands Hankin, who has been working with Love and Justice in the Streets (Harnessing community resources in solidarity with our unhoused neighbors in Oakland). Like the Israelites living in the desert after fleeing from 400 hundred years of slavery in Egypt, these unhoused often fall into despair. But these contemporary refugees are often met with contempt and there is no sign that a divine miracle worker will be intervening to help them. As we celebrate Sukkot, we should be finding out how the unhoused are being treated in your community and finding ways to support them. The story that Talya tells us, should awaken all the parts of us that we all thought to become part of our daily life in healing and transforming the world. Please watch the video and listen to her moving description to Tikkun editor Cat Zavis of this situation happening not only in Oakland, CA but in most major cities around the United States and many of the larger and richer countries around the world. Share this information with all of your friends, family, and anyone you know who cares about social justice.
— Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor, Tikkun  rabbilerner.tikkun@gmail.com ]


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