In a time of global uncertainty, Rev. Dr. Alton B. Pollard III stresses the need for unshakeable spiritual leadership.
Emancipatory Spirituality
Reveal Parties: What Do They Really Reveal?
Rabbi Terry Bookman argues that, although more and more people are rejecting religion, “we still need what religion and ritual are supposed to provide.”
Emancipatory Spirituality
The Important Dialogue Today is Between Mecca and Jerusalem
Ariel Horowitz speaks with Professor Avi Elqayam about secular spirituality, translation, and the need to “liberate Kabbalah from academia.”
Emancipatory Spirituality
The Case for Post-Theistic Judaism
Dr. Richard Curtis argues that religion needs updating and that “perhaps now is the time for Ethical Atheism.”
For the Sins–a contemporary version of atonement on Yom Kippur and all year round–and not just for Jews!
Rabbi Michael Lerner shares a beautiful, non-denominational prayer in the spirit of healing and transforming our world.
Emancipatory Spirituality
Can you feel the Earthquake?
Can you feel the Earth quaking? Simon Mont’s prose asks us to envision a beautiful world beyond the pain of oppression and trauma.
Educational Reforms
Our education system and methods of learning are linked to the fate of our environment in the new, digital age.
My Mother Died on Simchat Torah
Philip Terman confronts the heartbreaking, cyclical nature of life in his poem “My Mother Died on Simchat Torah.”
Gardener in the Wild
Jennifer Michael Hecht’s poem “Gardener in the Wild” is an invigorating look into identity and the natural world.
The Voyages of the Starship Enterprise
Jennifer Michael Hecht’s poem asks us: how does it feel to be post-exilic, post-textilic,
and post-Cyrillic?
Reb Zalman, Neo-Hasidism, and Inter-Religious Engagement
How Zalman’s teachings can inform our own spiritual practices across religious traditions.
Participation and the Mystery
Spiritual cocreation, participatory pluralism, relaxed spiritual universalism, participatory epistemology, the integral bodhisattva, and much more.
The Magic of Emergence
Highlighting the mystery of a new wholeness in community, text, organization or a piece of artwork.
Blood Moon
Delve into visions and religion on Easter eve in Patrick Donnelly’s poem “Blood Moon.”