The dharmic concept of ahimsa (“not to injure”) demands that we take personal and political action to protect the environment.
Fulfilling Our Debt to Humanity: A Hindu Perspective on Jubilee
Once we expand the definition of debt beyond material considerations, the idea of Jubilee becomes more than just debt cancellation—it becomes a broader push to institutionalize the fulfillment of our debts to humanity and Mother Earth.
To Uphold the World: What Two Statesmen from Ancient India Can Tell Us about Our Current Crisis
An ancient society’s government endorsed nonviolence and economic social justice? It did, and we can too.
Truth, Illumination, and Nuclear Weapons
The highest spiritual truths include this one: Don’t Kill Everybody.
Same-Sex Weddings, Hindu Traditions, and Modern India
Same-sex desire and even sexual activity have been represented and discussed in Indian literature for two millennia, often in a nonjudgmental and even celebratory manner, but a new virulent form of modern homophobia developed in India during the colonial period.
Hinduism and Ecology
The word “Hindu” derives from a Persian way of characterizing the variety of traditions and cultural practices that can be found on the other side of the Indus River, the great Himalayan cascade that now bisects Pakistan. “Hindu” describes persons practicing Vedic ritual or worshiping Krishna. “Hindu” also describes the shared customs of Jains, Sikhs, and Zoroastrians.