How to Have a Civil Conversation About Israel

1. Give up. 2. Devote a large portion of your life to avoiding the subject. 3. Respond to a mid-life crisis by seeking comfort in tradition while at the same time avoiding the constraints of religious practice…

ESRA: An Opportunity to Reshape the World

We have been discussing how we can get members of Congress involved in an Environmental and Social Responsibility Amendment to the Constitution (ESRA). And so what I did over the past few months was to look at the principles and to draft a resolution. The idea is this: we take the principles in the ESRA, and we put them in a congressional resolution asking members of Congress to support the principles, and from there we can work to draft specific legislation for a constitutional amendment.

Response to Noach Dzmura

Dzmura’s arguments stand no chance of being adopted by the American mainstream any time soon. If we want to “move the needle” of public opinion, we need to make more moderate ones.

High Holiday Workbook

Repentance is good for the soul, and for our activism. Use this workbook—whether you’re Jewish or not—to reflect on this past year and how you can deepen your life in the next one.

Cuba Sí

It’s 2010 and I’m visiting Cuba again. I am tired, old, discouraged, trampled by excuses and broken promises, and ground down by human failure and our incessant will for domination.