A Purposive Evolution?

David Loy revisits the debate of Darwinism vs. creationism and wonders whether we can understand evolution as a process by which the cosmos is becoming self-aware. In other words, “[a]re humans a way that the cosmos is coming to know itself?”

Violence, Morality and Religion

In an attempt to prevent violence, we have created institutions, namely, morality and religion––but, paradoxically enough, the most deadly violence has always been done in the name of these institutions. In this article, James Gilligan and James Vrettos ask why this is and what we can do about it.

Prophetic Empathy

Cat Zavis writes about the importance of seeing the humanity of those whose political views differ from ours and challenging views we disagree with in a respectful and yet powerful way,

Frozen Out

A web series about gentrification and climate change doesn’t just shed light on an important intersection of issues, it is a shining example of how communities can take control over public narratives.

Coming Home

The movement for a new economy is built on a spiritual materialism that calls upon us to return to our true natures as individuals, communities, and societies. An overview of the vision and progress in an exciting community of visionaries.

When My Mother Wanted to Die

Margaret Morganroth Gullette lays bare the ageist struggle that old people face: “invisibility and hypervisibility, intolerance of our appearance, lack of audiences for our subjectivities, underestimation of our trials, dislike of our alleged characteristics or disgust at our apparent weaknesses.”

Introduction to The Next Economy

An economy in line with our deepest spiritual values is not only possible, it is already emerging around us. The feature section of this issue explores a few dimensions of recent developments.