We need to change more than what we do, we need to change how we do it. Two practitioners discuss how to create liberating systems of organizational and community self-governance.
33.3 Summer
Anchoring the Heart of a Democratic Economy
When large institutions are under threat, it is even more essential that we find the agency to embody direct democracy in our relationships with one another.
33.3 Summer
Frozen Out
A web series about gentrification and climate change doesn’t just shed light on an important intersection of issues, it is a shining example of how communities can take control over public narratives.
Feeding Children, Communities, and Souls
An intimate portrait of a rural community’s work to undermine the military industrial complex, subvert capitalism, reclaim land, and bond faith communities together.
33.3 Summer
Coming Home
The movement for a new economy is built on a spiritual materialism that calls upon us to return to our true natures as individuals, communities, and societies. An overview of the vision and progress in an exciting community of visionaries.
33.3 Summer
Partnerism: Post-Capitalist/Post-Socialist Economics
Focusing on the debate between capitalism and socialism obscures the more fundamental point that both systems are based on domination. The economy we need will be based on partnership.
33.3 Summer
A Kabbalistic View of Healthcare Transformation
Faced with the reality that doctors have the highest suicide rate among the professions, and so many people report unhappy experiences with the medical system, an M.D. explores what a true tikkun of healthcare would look like.
33.3 Summer
When My Mother Wanted to Die
Margaret Morganroth Gullette lays bare the ageist struggle that old people face: “invisibility and hypervisibility, intolerance of our appearance, lack of audiences for our subjectivities, underestimation of our trials, dislike of our alleged characteristics or disgust at our apparent weaknesses.”
33.3 Summer
Two-State Solution Dead? Time for One Person/One Vote
Rabbi Michael Lerner proposes an alternative to the two-state solution: one person, one vote.
33.3 Summer
Introduction to The Next Economy
An economy in line with our deepest spiritual values is not only possible, it is already emerging around us. The feature section of this issue explores a few dimensions of recent developments.
33.3 Summer
Creating New Economies through the Urban Commons
Jay Cumberland comments on how “oppression in cities has led many residents to seek community by emphasizing differences”––and provides a solution.
33.3 Summer
The King Midas Monoculture
We have built a society that is obsessed with turning everything into money. In order to survive, we need to find new ways to create, perceive, and exchange value.
33.3 Summer
Letters to Lord Ganesha
One of the world’s most creative public intellectuals and novelists takes us on a beautiful fantasy trip that might be truer than “real” life.
33.3 Summer
The Years of Dialogue
In a time when negotiations between Israel and Palestine are particularly fraught, we remember how two people were able to create dialogue between people who were often at each other’s throats.