The things we will need to change to keep the earth safe are the very things closest to us, dearest to us, and most rooted in our traditions.
Limiting Corporate Power and Cultivating Interdependence: A Strategic Plan for the Environment
The environmental movement is too fragmented. It’s time to integrate our struggles and recognize the spiritual dimension of our political work.
Disaster and Disability: Social Inequality and the Uneven Effects of Climate Change
Environmental harm intensifies structural violence, so acting for justice in an age of climate change means fighting all forms of oppression.
Hope Requires Fighting the Hope Industry
Corporations are feeding our denial. Climate change cannot be averted without also overhauling the global economy.
Facing the Death of Nature: Environmental Memorials to Counter Despair
We must find ways to mourn lost species and care for dying ecosystems—doing so will enable us to face climate change with humility and hope.
It’s Time to Get Serious About Saving the Planet from Destruction
We can replace the ethos of endless growth and conspicuous consumption with an approach to nature based on awe and wonder at the preciousness of the earth, love of all beings, and celebration of life.
The Place of Hope in an Age of Climate Disaster
As the earth heats up, sea levels rise, and thousands of species face extinction, it’s easy to boomerang between denial and despair.
Grounded in the Movement: Developing a Mindful Orientation Toward Social Justice Work
Movement work can leave us angry, exhausted, and traumatized. Here are seven mindfulness practices that can help to sustain our activist work.
Working-Class Power and Spirituality: Reflections on SeaTac’s Minimum Wage Campaign
The push for $15 per hour at SeaTac was about more than just paychecks—it was an interfaith, values-based struggle against power inequality.
Coexistence, Equality, and Universal Principles in Israel/Palestine: Regrouping in the Absence of a Two-State Solution
The most urgent focus must be on the worsening conditions faced by Palestinians, not on theoretical arguments about one state vs. two.
Human Evil
Evil must be understood as the inability to see the humanity of others. Americans often justify our violence toward others by emphasizing their evil while ignoring our own.
A Buddhist and Interfaith Response to Debt Capitalism
In order to alleviate mass suffering, there is a spiritual urgency for the interfaith community in the United States to bring attention and public awareness to this global issue of debt crisis and jubilee.
Reforming Money and Banking: Keys to Debt and Jubilee
In the face of economic instability, we need to consider creative solutions—like jubilee, public banking policies, and currency reform—that take into account the complexity of the environment, the nature of money itself, and the possibility for social innovation.
Growing Toward God: Jewish Movement through an Axial Age
Just as plants are heliotropic beings that grow toward the sun, we humans are theotropic beings that grow toward God. And just as a tree doesn’t have to understand the sun to feel it and be fed by it, we don’t have to understand God to be nourished by subtle sacred influences.
Debtors All: Facing, and Embracing, Our Ecological Indebtedness
In our ecological age, our most common narratives of debt, which conflate salvation with independence from debt, fail to capture the counterintuitive dynamics of our indebtedness to nature and to recognize that our real salvation is in an intelligent and deeply felt interdependence with natural systems.