Jesus was a Jew, so Jesus’s Bible was the Hebrew Bible. Churchgoers are missing out if they never encounter more than the Psalms.
Climate Change and the Right to Hope
To what extent is a lack of hope to blame for our inaction on the climate?
Love Is Stronger Than Stewardship: A Cosmic Christ Path to Planetary Survival
“Stewardship” is a tired old idea. Let’s stop talking about duty and start talking about the sacredness of creation! The light of Christ is in all beings.
Dharma and Ahimsa: A Hindu Take on Environmental Stewardship
The dharmic concept of ahimsa (“not to injure”) demands that we take personal and political action to protect the environment.
Looking to the Qur’an in an Age of Climate Disaster
The Qur’an instructs us to live lightly on this earth. From Zanzibar to Indonesia, Islamic ethics are guiding new conservation efforts.
A Bodhisattva’s Approach to Climate Activism
Bodhisattvas commit daily to an impossible task: the liberation of all living beings. What can climate activists learn from their active nonattachment?
Prayer as if the Earth Really Matters
Climate prayer is powerful. Here’s how synagogues can breathe earth awareness into services and activists can make their actions prayerful.
8 Books Challenging the Foundations of Religion
by Kitcher, Lewis and Cohn-Sherbok, Kownacki and Snyder, Morinis, Shapiro, Loy, Walsch, and Mangabeira
Where Do We Stand Now? Two LGBTQ Perspectives
Speaking OUT: Queer Youth in Focus
by Rachelle Lee Smith, Graeme Taylor, and Candace Gingrich
PM Press, 2014
Against Equality: Queer Revolution, Not Mere Inclusion
Edited by Ryan Conrad
AK Press, 2014
As state after state approves gay marriage, it can be tempting to jump to the conclusion that the most pressing issues for LGBTQ people have been “solved.” Taken together, these two books offer an illuminating reality check. Speaking OUT, a photo essay that pairs photographic portraits with handwritten reflections from youth who identify as queer, offers a glimpse of the wide range of experiences that comprise life for queer youth today. Some teens express a sense of deep joy about the loving support they received from their entire community upon coming out (“the response was 100 percent supportive—100 percent!” exclaims contributor Graeme Taylor), attesting to the meaningful shifts that have taken place culturally within the last half-century. But others describe experiences of physical assault, rejection, and discrimination, attesting to the continued lived realities of homophobia and transphobia in the current era. Ryan Conrad’s anthology, meanwhile, offers a hard-edged political analysis of the many forms of oppression that mainstream efforts such as the marriage equality campaign will never solve.
Readers Respond: Letters to the Editor, Spring 2015
We welcome your responses to our articles. Send your letters to the editor to Please remember, however, not to attribute to Tikkun views other than those expressed in our editorials. We email, post, and print many articles with which we have strong disagreements, because that is what makes Tikkun a location for a true diversity of ideas. Tikkun reserves the right to edit your letters to fit available space in the magazine.
Influenza Ode (From a Very Tall Building)
From here, the farthest highway
slammed with cars
arrives to the eye in segments
slicing through the baffling clouds,
shiny as the bite of a memory
of being yelled at, a call to the kitchen
for a late-night admonition,
while the dirty river to the harbor
dries like mustard upon the evening meat. The worser I feel, the childer I am. Beyond the window, I can see
how the moody wind manipulates,
the splat of the springtime
jumbled in some illegible smatter,
while the rooftops pretend to organize—
a scripture of rooftops,
dishes and antennae—and jumbled,
over-heated gardens snarl in disuse. From this far away the occasional bird
blackens in silhouette, little rabbi. From this far away a rabbinate of birds
swoops above the alleys below,
a gulp of swallows.
Freud and Kafka Revisited
Review of Becoming Freud: The Making of a Psychoanalyst by Adam Phillips and Franz Kafka: The Poet of Shame and Guilt by Saul Friedländer.
Spring 2015 Table of Contents
This quarterly issue of the magazine is available both online and in hard copy. Everyone can read the first few paragraphs of each piece, but the full articles are only available to subscribers and NSP members — subscribe or join now to read the rest! You can also buy a paper copy of this single print issue. Members and subscribers also get online access to the current issue and all archives. If you are a member or subscriber who needs guidance on how to register, email or call 510-644-1200 for help — registration is easy and you only have to do it once.
This Consciousness So Outside My Own
Review of Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire by Brenda Hillman.
Reducing Auto Dependency and Sprawl: An Ecological Imperative
To reduce emissions, we must stop driving so much. One source of hope is the movement to transform dead suburban malls into walkable city centers.