Response to Noach Dzmura

Dzmura’s arguments stand no chance of being adopted by the American mainstream any time soon. If we want to “move the needle” of public opinion, we need to make more moderate ones.

Cuba Sí

It’s 2010 and I’m visiting Cuba again. I am tired, old, discouraged, trampled by excuses and broken promises, and ground down by human failure and our incessant will for domination.

Q&A on the ESRA

This Q&A explains why we chose the approach we did in the details of this amendment (including why it is so long and so technical).

Reflections After My Home Was Vandalized

Many of the most vocal defenders of Israel in the Jewish community personally assail anyone who criticizes Israeli policies toward Palestinians, declining to answer the actual criticisms and instead labeling the critics as “self-hating Jews” or “anti-Semites” or worse.