Online Exclusives: Christianity Without the Cross?
The online exclusives below are freely accessible articles associated with Tikkun’s Fall 2012 special section on “Christianity Without the Cross?” — Click on the titles below to read these articles. In addition, don’t miss the print issue’s three subscriber-only articles on this topic, including Lawrence Swaim’s piece, “The Death of Christianity,” which started this lively debate: subscribe now to read them on the web (explore the table of contents) or order a single copy in the mail. A Call for Redemptive Rhetoric
by Mary Albert Darling
Legacies of the Cross and the Lynching Tree
by James Cone
Could the Christian Church Contend with a Living Jesus? by John Conger
Moving Beyond a Cross Fetish: The Empty Tomb and Creation Spirituality
by Matthew Fox
A New Symbol for Christianity
by Barbara Darling
Crucifixion and the Blues
by Lynice Pinkard
An Evolutionary Integral Understanding of the Cross
by Paul Smith