Editorials & Actions
Watch this video of Rabbi Lerner at Brooklyn College
The President of Medgar Evers College invited Rabbi Lerner, editor of Tikkun, to speak to their faculty and students about the struggle for social justice. And the President of Brooklyn College invited Rabbi Lerner to speak to the faculty and student body about his analysis of how best to challenge the hate-filled, racist, sexist, homophobic, Islmaophobic and antiSemitic direction American (and, to some extent, world) society has been moving. While Lerner sees how these tendencies have dramatically accelerated since Donald Trump emerged in the past, his analysis is not narrowly restricted to this moment. You can watch a video that presents some selections from his talk at Brooklyn college by going to John Jay College’s faculty member Jim Vrettos’ media show where he introduces the talk and then gives you an unedited (pardon Lerner’s “um”s) selection at: https://youtu.be/8GHA3AKgr8.
Lerner recognizes that even before Trump, right wing forces have dominated the U.S. Congress and a majority of the state legislatures for much of the past 40 years, and that Democrats have often sought to accommodate them rather than to articulate a fundamentally different worldview. We at Tikkun invite you to listen to a selection from his talk: https://youtu.be/8GHA3AKgr8k. If you find his analysis insightful, please help us get his analysis out into the world by sending this talk to everyone you know and pasting it onto your Facebook or other social media pages, donating to Tikkun at www.tikkun.org/donate, or joining our interfaith and secular-humanist-and-atheist-welcoming Network of Spiritual Progressives (no, you don’t have to be religious or believe in God to be a spiritual progressive–you only have to want our society to be governed by a New Bottom Line of love, generosity, environmental responsibiity and awe and wonder at our wonderous universe).